Optimizing Management of Distance Learning With the Help of Technologies

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L. Metreveli


Modern requirements and principles, technical progress and technical processes of the 21st century education system create new problems and have a major impact on ongoing education reform processes in the country. Of course, there is a need to transform the existing education system, to seek new ways of management and technologies, ways of teaching. If we follow this progress, our perception apparatus must be turned into the virtual side to reflect reality, which is at the forefront of evolutionary change. To achieve this, it is necessary to combine existing pedagogical experience and scientific research with modern information technologies. This agreed interaction will, of course, lead to qualitative changes in the educational space and will highlight new teaching technologies that shape the future of education and build upon our country's socio economic development, adaptation and integration with the rest of the world.

დისტანციური სწავლება, ოპტიმიზაცია, საგანმანათლებლო ტექნოლოგიები, პედაგოგიური გამოცდილება, ინტერნეტ-განათლება
Published: Dec 20, 2021

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